
I am a London based artist, specialising in printmaking and bronze, and a Print Fellow at City and Guilds of London Art School. I have recently graduated from a Masters in Fine Art at City and Guilds of London Art School, where I pursued a practice exploring the temporality of built structures, bridging art and archaeology through visual and material creations. Prior to starting this degree, I achieved a first-class honours degree in BA Fine Art from Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton. During my undergraduate studies I worked as a student ambassador for the National Saturday Club, in which I assisted a group of young artists between the ages of 13-16 work towards and achieve a Bronze Arts Award.

I am a member of the Boiling Point Artist Collective, consisting of recent graduates of BA Fine Art from Winchester School of Art. In April, Boiling Point put on their second exhibition, which was awarded an Arts Council England projects grant, showcasing contemporary art practices including a range of public engagement activities at Openhand Openspace in Reading.

Artist Statment

I am an artist whose practice focuses on printmaking. I use acid etching to capture eroded buildings of the past. My etchings are conceptually connected to ruins due to the degradation the zinc plate goes through when submerged in acid, mirroring the weathering of man-made sites and structures. I investigate traditional processes alongside contemporary experimentations, aiming to push the boundaries of representation and develop techniques to replicate the textures of aging surfaces.


Working with detailed, free hand line work I depict the exposed rugged surfaces that I am confronted with when entering the site. The process of printmaking is much like the building of a structure, working through a step-by-step method to arrive at a finished piece. The journey and destruction of the metal plate is integral to my representation of these dilapidated buildings as I am creating a ruin from a ruin.


I often compare methods within printmaking in tandem with newer technologies, such as scanning and 3D print, transitioning degrading structures into synthetic reproductions.



2022-23          MA Fine Art at City and Guilds of London Art School

2019-22           First Class Honours Degree BA Fine Art at Winchester School of Art

Group Exhibitions

2024 Unknown Terriroty, SET Lewisham, London

2023 Clifford Chance Postgraduate Printmaking in London 2023: A Survey of London Art Colleges, Canary Wharf, London

2023 City and Guilds of London Art School MA Degree show, London

2023               Fresh #2: Boiling Point, Openhand Openspace, 571 Oxford Road Gallery, Reading

2022               Annual Open Exhibition 2022, Southwark Park Galleries, London

2022               Ripe Plums #2, Alfred Arcade, Southampton

2022               Boiling Point, Yellow Edge Gallery, Portsmouth

2022               Winchester School of Art Degree Show 2022, Winchester School of Art, Winchester

2021                Fine Art Salon, Winchester School of Art Studios, Winchester

2019                Derek Hill Transcription Project, Winchester Gallery, Winchester


Current Work

2023-Now       Printmaking Fellow, City and Guilds of London Art School, London 

Previous Work

2024 National Saturday Club tutor, City and Guilds of London Art School

2023 Assistant Etching Tutor for The Creative Dimension Trust

2023 Artist Consultant for Cultrual Associates Oxford

2023                Public Print Workshop leader, Openhand Openspace, 571 Oxford Road Gallery, Reading [April]

2021-22           National Saturday Club student ambassador, Winchester School of Art [October-June]



2023 Shortlisted for Clifford Chance Postgraduate Printmaking in London 2023: A Survey of London Art Colleges

2023 Outstanding Work in Print awarded by City and Guilds of London Art School

2022                Bateson Mason Award for Drawing